A Little Act of Kindness: A Thought
11:36 PM
One of the reasons I made a blog is mainly because I wanted people to listen to me, I wanted to ask you all, to persuade you in to doing kind things for others, with me, with Tamara.
Back in High School, I used to think that I needed to work hard so I can achieve my goals and become a successful person for myself. But since I got older and the more people I get to know, I discover different things and meet different people from different backgrounds with different goals which alters my mind in to making my goal to work hard and become successful in order to help others. I figured I shouldn’t keep this goal to myself, I should share this with you so you can share these thoughts to another 10 people that will share to another 10 people until it becomes the thought of 10 million people.
Imagine if everyone aims to help others, how big of a change we can create. And it will never only be for others, but for ourselves too. When you do things for yourself, it will never be enough, you will never feel satisfied. But when you help others, not only you will help them but you will gain fulfillment and that feeling of content. When we depart from this world, it’s not about who you are or what you have, but what you’ve done for others. The people you help will help other people that will help another people, and it will go on and on. And what would be a better legacy than to have a million people doing kind things all because you decided to do a small act of kindness.
My mother always told me that I can be whatever what I want in this world, successful or not, as long as it’s beneficial to others. So when you close your phone or laptop or wherever you are reading this from, start doing kind things, do things for others that make people’s life easier, make their day better, whether they’re in front of you, closest to you, or someone you don’t even know at all.